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Some Plant Records for the Punjab Plain


Aerva pseudotomentosa Blatt. et Hallb., Alternanthera paronychioides St. Hil., Alternanthera pungens H. B. K., Anogeissus sericea Brand., Argemone ochroleuca Sweet subsp. ochroleuca, Chenopodium ambrosioides Linn., Euphorbia prostrata Ait., Gomphrena celosioides Mart., Phyllanthus maderaspatensis Linn., Polygala irregularis Boiss., Ruellia tuberosa Linn., Trianthema decandra Linn. var. flava (Blatt. et Hallb.) Sant., and Trianthema decandra Linn. var. rubra (Blatt. et Hallb.) Sant. are recorded here for the fint time from the plains of the Punjab.


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