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Cololejeunea longiana Grolle & Mizut. - An Addition to Indian Bryoflora from Darjeeling, West Bengal


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  1. ASTHANA, G. AND S.C. SRIVASTAVA. 2003. Indian Cololejeunea (A taxonomic study). Bryophyt. Biblioth. 60:1-115.
  2. GROLLE, R. 1988. Two new species of Cololejeunea from Bhutan. J. Bryol. 15:281-287.
  3. ZHU, R. AND D.G. LONG. 2003. Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) from several recent collections from the Himalaya. J. Hattori Bot. Lab. 93:101-115.
  4. ZHU, R. AND M.L. SO. 2001. Epiphyllous liverworts of China. Nova Hedwigia 121:1-418.

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