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Thirty-Three New Additions to The Flora of Mizoram, India


Thirty-three taxa of angiosperms which were collected from Phawngpui (Blue Mountain) National Park, are reported as new distributional records for the flora of Mizoram, India. Among those taxa, eight genera like Acalypha L., Agrimonia L., Lecanthus Wedd., Pegia Colebr., Richardia L., Stellaria L., Theropogon Maxim. and Veronica L. are recorded first time from the state. For each species accepted name, basionym, brief description, phenology, distribution and specimen examined data has been provided.


Thirty-Three Angiosperms, New Additions, Phawngpui National Park, Mizoram.


Author Biography

Samiran Panday

Assistant Professor, Department of Botany

Bipin Kumar Sinha


Prakash Karmakar

Department of Botany, Assistant Professor


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