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Studies on the taxonomic significance of leaf microhairs of subtribe Sporobolinae, Poaceae


In grass systematics, leaf epidermal features are very significant for classifying the difficult groups, within subfamilies and tribes. But the micromorphological studies on grasses are very limited. Therefore, foliar micromorphological characters for 24 taxa of the subtribe Sporobolinae Benth. (Poaceae) from India have been studied by using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) in detail and the surface features were documented. All the 24 taxa studied were found to have three types of surface features, one of the most useful characters to delimit the species and genera in the subtribe. Besides microhairs, macrohairs, intercostal silica bodies, hooks and prickles were also studied.


Poaceae, Sporobolinae, Microhairs, Silica Bodies, India.


Author Biography

S. Arumugam





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