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Mesozoic Conifers of India – Megafossils – an Overview


Critical assessment is given of the fossil conifers (gymnospersm) reported and described from the Upper Triassic to Lower Cretaceous rocks of the Indian sub–continent. Morphology and anatomy of woods (stems) roots, twigs, leaves and fertile structures both male and seed-bearing fructifications and isolated petrified seeds are included in this review. Majority of extinct conifers belong to Podocarpaceae and Araucariaceae. Representatives of Taxodiaceae, Cupressaceae and Taxaceae are also reported in this paper. This account will enhance our knowledge of the Mesozoic vegetation, distribution and kind of forests and in tracing the phylogeny of controversial taxa of extant conifers. Palynology and stratigraphy are not discussed in this paper. A detailed review of literature on Mesozoic conifers of India is given.


Conifers, Gymnosperms, India, Mesozoic Megafossils, Review



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