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A Contribution to the Vascular Flora of Vedharanyam and Talaignayar Reserve Forests, Tanjore District, Madras State


The two reserves dealt with in this paper lie between 70°31'-80° E and 10°-11° N on the eastern coast of peninsular India in Tanjore District, Madras State. The two are separated from each other by about 18 kilometers; the Vedharanyam R. F. lying a little south of Talaignayar. The Vedharanyam R. F. has a Tropical Dry Evergreen type of forest, whereas Talaignayar shows characteristic salt-marsh or swamp vegetation. One new species and 3 new records have been noted.

Two botanical tours were conducted in August 1960 and January 1961 and altogether 218 taxa were collected. All the specimens have been deposited in the Southern Circle Herbarium of Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore (MH).



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