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On a Collection of Mosses from Arunachal Pradesh


82 species of mosses have been collected from Arunachal Pradesh. Brachythecium formosanum Tak., B. wichurae (Broth,) Par. and Hypnum macrogynum Besch. are new records for India. 7 species : Brachymenium sikkimense Ren. et Card., Brachythecium buchananii (Hook.) Jaeg. var. cuspidiferum (Mitt.) Gangulee et Vohra, Brotherella nictans (Mitt.) Broth., Dicranodontium capillifolium (Dix.) Tak. Ectropothecium ramuligerum Dix., Taxithelium laeviusculum Dix., and Trichosteleum stereodontoides Broth. ex Gangulee, known so far only by the type material, have been collected for the first time since then 48 species and 11 genera are additions to Arunachal Pradesh.


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