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Nomenclatural Changes and Rectifications in the Indian Verbenaceae


Premna coriacea C.B. Clarke var. villosa (C.B. Clarke) Rajendran & Daniel, stat. & comb. nov. and Premna serratifolia L. var. minor (Ridley) Rajendran & Daniel, comb, nov., are proposed Clerodendrum farinosum (Roxb.) Steudel and Lantana veronicifolia Hayek supersede Clerodendrum venosum Wallich ex C.B. Clarke and Lantana wightiana Wallich ex Gamble respectively. Lippia indica Mold., is a synonym of Lippia javanica (Burm.f.) Sprengel whereas Lantana malabarica Hayek and Lippia unica Ramakr., are synonyms of Lippia alba (Miller) N.E. Br.


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