Bark Algae of Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah
Studies on the epiphytic algae on the bark of different trees in Indian Botanic Garden, Howrah were conducted between 2006- 2007. Of these 33 species belong to Cyanophyceae. The members of 53 algal species revealed that members of Chroococcaceae, Oscillatoriaceae, Scytonemataceae, Nostocaceae, Rivulariaceae (Cyanophyceae), and Trentepohliaceae, Pleurococcaceae (Chlorophyceae) exhibit a luxuriant growth. But certain members of Chlorophyceae, Xanthophyceae and Bacillariophyceae, exhibit scare growth. The correct names of the woody species that support the growth of the algae are also listed.Downloads
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