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Traditional Herbal Remedies used in Sikkim, India


The paper deals with the 225 different uses of 167 plant species belonging to 84 families for the treatment of 27 major ailments among ten rural communities of Sikkim. All the gathered information were based on the herbal practices of selective representative villages of Sikkim. During the collection of information, traditional uses pattern, parts used for, mode of preparation and administration of doses were also discussed. Out of the total uses of plants, herbs constitute c. 50% , trees by 25% and shrubs by 17%, while climbers constitutes the lowest habitat category (8%). Most herbal medicines were used in the form of paste of the plant or of a particular part. The other modes of uses were decoction, powder or inhalations etc. Remedies for common ailments were known to all households, while medicines or doses for critical ailments were taken as per the advice of the herbal healers or Jakris. The present study also indicated that the region harbors a high diversity of medicinal plants. A list of 167 plant species along with their Local name, habit, flowering and fruiting period, plant parts used, medicinal properties and the mode of use are also enumerated.


Herbal Remedy, Medicinal Plants, Traditional Knowledge.



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